Monday, September 11, 2006


oh bugger.

it has become hard for me to concentrate recently. i get halfway into drawing something and then suddenly i 'abandon' it and go into another crazy idea. and it doesnt work. most of the time i dont get things done.

at first i set my pencils on drawing the ever infamous balanar the night stalker (DotA Scourge hero). then after a few playful sketches i got a sudden inspiration to draw a comic (yet another one) for my dear. something about bunnies.

bunnies arent hard to draw right?


as musicians have high standards to music, draw-ers have high standards to drawing.

or is it artists have a high standard on art?

anyway, the cycle doesnt end there. after learning how to draw this winx bunny that she suddenly loved, i got into more trouble. apparently the masterpiece people want a castle drawing for who knows what. so i got interested, again and start to draw castle elevations. i love doing the shading (timothy would be proud!). but then ian hasnt come up with the pictures so there is nothing for me to draw. yet (i hope).

now, im currently designing this national jersey after reading the new paper on sunday. they want to design a new national jersey.

i can draw.

i love football.

why not?

rock on...

love you =)

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