Tuesday, August 25, 2009

dear me

OK. It's been a very long while since I've posted. It's very hard to post pictures without my phone. Nothing unusual has happened lately. Schoolwork is schoolwork what do you expect, puasa is puasa.

Puasa doesn't seem like puasa anymore.

It doesn't feel like it did and should(?) anymore.

Followed mom to this introduction to Islam class last saturday. I dunno why but I just went. Currently, religion isn't feeling like religion anymore. What is religion? What is worship? How to worship?

There are atheists, and monotheists and polytheists but what about the people out there that acknowledge that there is a god, but don't want to indulge in religion? What of them?

They say disbelievers are thrown into hell. But seriously, who is disbelieving who?

So many questions and NO time. Values change, priorities change. Paths change and minds change.

rock on

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