Friday, November 14, 2008

friday rain

It's Friday and you're still in the roller coaster of high temperatures, strong anti-biotics and splitting headaches. A week of sickness, a week of worrying =( I pray you do get better. I don't know why I'm becoming such a worrywart. Haha, I must have gotten it from you. That or I think I'm too head over heels. And why wouldn't I be? Instead of writing my IA essay now I'm happily blogging about you and your presence which is fondly missed everyday.

I hope you're feeling better already. It's hard falling sick and the weather isn't helping either. And I don't like it when it rains, lol, I get cranky when it rains actually. So you, please spend your time resting alright? No more late nights for you till you get better. Hah, no more late nights for me either. I'm still shagged from assessments.

OK now that I've gotten that out of me (sometimes you just feel like blogging) it's time to do my essays.

rock on
miss you

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