Tuesday, April 01, 2008

fool the foo

first and foremost. SARAH HAS A BLOG NOW. so go visit straightfromthebunnysmouth.blogspot.com yes i know both of us have incredibly long blog names.

so right now is april fool's right? ok the first announcement is valid. yes she DOES have a blog. go visit and tag ok. secondly, my drumset is due WEDNESDAY which is no joke either. will post pictures of it when its here and well tuned (i'll post it as well). thirdly, i got accepted into nafa. no prank as well. now i need to complete the registration by this friday. rush rush.

im playing for rhapsody its official. samuel sinhua and jazz are playing too. seems like they got not enough firepower. on the other side of the world, desmond is buying a new guitar tomorrow, probably either a fender or a gibson (yeah he rich). but ultimately everyone will have to go to my place to jam hahaha.

i created a new blog for all my sketches! its dzaki-sketches.blogspot.com check it out ok?

rock on..

love you..

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