Thursday, March 01, 2007


this here is the 120th post. so let's make it long.

"the uncles at the gym"
i frequent the gym at delta. normally you would expect to see lots of 'hunky' bodybuilders at the gym. this is true. however, do you really expect to see old uncles at the gym? these brand of tough uncles workout at the gym about 2-3 times a week. some of them are as old as your grandfather. and they lift like, more than 90 pounds? that's like 50 kilos! heh, i weigh 50 kilos. also, they give very good advice on how to 'not injure yourself when working on the machines'. these guys joke alot in the gym and there is always an 'uproar' when they arrive or leave.

there is this uncle, Mr Chia. he lifts about 90-100 pounds and he's a retired teacher from queenstown sec. and he knows LimBun. serious. good friends. its like he's LimBun's counterpart in Queenstown. "LimBun is an institution in GESS", he says. "Everybody knows him".

OK no this is not about the band, wolfmother. this is about the guy that intro-ed me to wolfmother. none other than syaq. that bloody talented kachuak. and the nerves! XD . these few days have been so slack. gym band slack clamchowder tiong drums rock. lots of fun things. and it all started with a small game of taitee. that syaq is really into music. something i aspire to do la. one day i would love to play in a band. or maybe own a drumkit. but those days aren't coming any sooner. one day lah.

nowadays we all just 'lepak' at sam's place. watch wwe or soccer. then somehow manage to take the last train home.just forget your sorrows cause i will be on the last train home. kudos to this guy who re-lit the fire in me for slacking and drumming, for making me listen to other bands of music. rock on to supergrass and led zeppelin.

"troubled times"
troubled times these times. i don't like to quarrel. many of you that know me know that I'm a pacifist. however, i tend to blow my cool sometimes. but not all the time it gets this so easy to let loose. why is it so easy to get angry these days? is it because of her? but why is she so persistent and stubborn? i blame menses but she begs to differ.

my good pal fiz would just say "patience, it would all turn out fine". and i have never doubted him. only time will tell. damn.


and so he went off, in search of better pastures, where his mind can feed on fresh new inspiration not only for his art and music, but for everything else his wits can conjure.

cheh. chimm.


rock on...

love you...

sorry today no pics..soon

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