Friday, May 02, 2008

gold-titanium alloy

"the truth is..i am ironman"

im so sorry that i didnt get to watch it with you. i mean you didnt get to watch it with me.

so today, had a little rendezvous with sarah at one fullerton. so she says 'i think i have a fever'and i went 'oh no'. i was still shagged from crashing at desmond's place, watching liverpool lose to chelsea. so i said, 'you wait for me there, im coming'. i went all the way back home from queenstown and then took 502 to esplanade. i tell you, i thought the bus trip was going to be fast. it wasnt. i dont survive long bus trips, i tend to get uncomfortable, i can be like the merlion no? thankfully that wasnt the case and i was so relieved when the bus reached the esplanade bus stop.

im so glad that for sarah. now she's not as lonely as last time and is less conservative. her poly friends are a handful i can tell you that, especially haz (is that how you call it?) there are very very friendly =) which is good cause i tend to get quiet and think that im dull and stuff. which happens sometimes. after that, ate at marina square. my heart skipped a beat when i heard 'i live in jurong too! me too!'. i was scared. personally i dont mind having someone going home in the same direction but i like my travelling time to be my private time =). oh yeah some intro. if i recall properly there is ning, haz and michelle. the two guys are warren and mr eccentric.

met htat and chon in. and leslie too. at GV. the old days. back in primary school. rawks.

rock on..

love you..

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