Saturday, May 17, 2008

3MC Reunion

remember when you were in school. and you had this group of friends. whom you eat sleep and shat with. not to mention play soccer with during o levels?

3mc stands for 3 malay 3 chinese. 3 of which takes the same train at the same exact time every morning. 4 of which are in band. all 6 of them crazy and together. and they are: (alphabetical order)


and then we met. yesterday. all 6 of us, sitting down on the wooden planks. drinking starbucks. vivocity. i was still in disbelief after that. usually me and the rest of the band people - ian desmond and samuel, hang out together. hafiz was always with his archery thing. and ahmad never met us at all. not even a 'yo' or a 'high' when he went JC. and suddenly yesterday hafiz smsed to mobilize all of us. because ahmad wanted to have coffee at starbucks. i havent seen him in 2 years.

and it was fucking funny. the atmosphere. the laughter. it was as it was 3 years ago, when all of us were in gan eng seng. i dont know what to say. hahaha. it was fun eh.

rock on..

love you..

3MC uh..wear the colours

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