Wednesday, May 07, 2008

and so

[picture removed by request of client] next week then show ok..relax

i did these for a friend of mine who BADLY needed sketches for his ASSingment. lol. turned out pretty okay i guess (in my terms, 'pretty much okay' = 'this close to sucks'). then i told sam, "this is the most gawd-damn nicest tree i've ever drawn". maybe, was his reply.

we were sitting at queenstown library, freezing my ass off. xunhao (haoge) was there too and i was like shocked and surprised to see the measure of work he's putting in for the exams. did a quick sketch of him secretly. haha. didnt look anything like him but the posture was perfect. gave it to him as a good luck thingy.

nothing much to do these days except draw, which is a lot but other than that its a one person affair. funny how you wished for holiday when youre having school and when youre not having any school, you complain that theres no school. yeah, i know the word is irony, dont have to tell me. now im just waiting till 21 july. argh. fast forward time please!

was supposed to see sarah today but she couldnt. one week havent seen her already. one hour's chat does not equate to physical presence but still, just have to wait uh.

rock on..

love you..

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