so, nothing much has happened. i woke up one morning to be fuming mad at the world. there was no reason for this i was just crazily angry at the world and how it gets back at us. lied down pondering about atheism and religion. thought for a very very long time. its quite unfair actually, this world.
richie (elves) against samuel (lifegain) . i never imagined i'd play magic again. but thats what i did. i didnt win all the matches but its more fun that way.
i hate elves. first of all theyre green. second, there are so many of them. third, they look gay as in homosexual (except the female ones, theyre pretty) and lastly they spawn fast. luckily, i always beat them with goblins! =D
things dont look too good for samuel. sometimes you just gotta dig deep when the cards dont come to your hand. just like in life. whatever shit you get from your card draws, you just gotta make the right choices.
unexpectingly, sam lost the match.
mahjong session at chiu yee's place. sadly i didnt win any of the games. fortunately, i dont gamble xD. yun xin won a lot as usual. she's quite good and everything i play with her its like all so fast. and im usually there figuring out which chinese character is what number.
desmond gets bored after playing mahjong so he builds a 2-dimensional pyramid which doesnt last very long. we played uno stacko after that which sam lost alot of times cause me and desmond kept pulling from the bottom of the stack. pro ok.
my younger bro on guitar. i cant play guitar.
we watched vh1's top 40 greatest metal songs of all time at chiu yee's place. and the top three are..
1) ironman - black sabbath (we totally agree)
2) welcome to the jungle - guns and roses (you should have seen the 'wtf' looks on our faces
3) master of puppets - metallica (yes!)
school starts tomorrow. and i havent received the orientation letter like wtf? wtf is wrong with singapore posts? like how hard is it to deliver the fucking letter. do you know what's at stake here? i dont get it. this is exactly the reason why i was so moody the past few days.
rock on..
love you..
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