Monday, December 17, 2007


for the benefit of those who read. wont be posting for the next month i guess. too busy with work. schoolwork that is.

for the classmates. for now i wont leave. yes i seem like an awful prick making up all this conspiracy but you dont have to know of it in the first place. we'll see how it gets along. not looking forward to industrial torture program (ITP). regrets alot.

also, there will be a hike in drawng productivity during the next few weeks. that means busy busy busy. damn im always busy but not too busy to hangout. life is just so imbalanced.

ok that seemed pretty boring.

on a lighter note, m|brosia (which i think is a very cheesy name for the concert) wasnt that bad and im looking forward to the next concert next year. maybe there will be a small performance. who knows?

arsenal are still at the top after today so the race is still on. my lobster died the other day. i managed to give it a proper burial, at the grass patch beside the void deck.

i guess this blog is not that colourfull but thas how i likes it and thats how it will be. and i will miss you during your trip to malaysia. you will come back on 25 is that right? a week without you will be horrible. but i guess 2 years wihout you is even worse.

rock on..

love you..

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