Thursday, December 27, 2007

3mc cheers mate, you owe it to yourself

There existed a brotherhood of 6 men, brought together and bonded by GESS, GessBand, a 530am MRT, RHCP and after school street soccer. every joy and sorrow and occasion were equally felt by everyone. it was a great time to hang out and be merry. it was truly a splendid affair.

we had...

Duga Risiz (ahmad) - the famous clown/joker/jester that manages to still be in the top class and wreck havoc in the multimedia club hall of infamy. [Multimedia Ex-Co]

Fungi/Pongz (hafiz) - the cool calm and collected sportsman. always there for good advice and always there for the good times and bad. [House Captain]

Raeborn (me) - the drummer/artist/thinker. very anti-climax with that quiet attitude but always there when you need a helping hand. cheh. [Drum Major, Perc SL]

Huh (ian) - the guy with all the ideas, be it good mischievous or bad. always fun to have around at anytime anyplace. [Trumpet SL, PRO]

Noobster (desmond)
- the big intellectual smart guy. there to talk every one's way out of trouble. also another big joker just a laugh away. [Assistant Drum Major]

Loki (samuel) - the youngest of the bunch, often the one getting suan-ed. loyal and filial. the most enthusiastic of the group. [Perc SL]

and there we were. 3MC. which really stood for 3 Malay 3 Chinese. a part faction of Ah Yam's gang, the Kingpin of Gess. those were the good old days.

rock on..

love you..

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