Friday, July 23, 2010


Wah wah wee wah. It's 1am Friday morning and I'm still up looking for images for printmaking tomorrow. Wah what a killer, 15 monoprints straightaway just like that. I is so tired. Never have I replied "..nah I got some other stuff to do" first week of school.

Hah! Just as I was complaining about the first week of school, this segment on KBS world is about working mothers who have to work extra hard raising children in Korea. Nowsadays the cost of raising kids is high. So why should I complain right?

Sometimes life has it's ways to shut you up and keep you going.

I bought a lot of art stuffs and still buying. Still saving for that laptop though don't know which brand/model. I'm in a dilemma because though Mac is good and all but it's not game-friendly. I'm actually considering Alienware.

Ah well. Save first then talk later.

rock on

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