Tuesday, December 28, 2010

and so it is

What can I say about the past year? Well, to begin with, I've ended up with more unanswered questions, multiple shifts in morality and whether I should really give a damn. I'm not a dragon cause dragons are the only creatures that don't give a damn. There is no Good or Bad. Good is the opposition that pwns everyone else and then says "Hey look, we're the Good guys." Besides, what is Good anyway?

And I've come to realise, I envy people from both ends of the spectrum, if it exists anyway. Sometimes, thinking a lot is really nice and not thinking enough is also nice. Until I find what 'meaningful' purpose is set out there for me, I am sticking to neutral. I mean come on. Luke had it easy. There were people everywhere telling him to blow up the Death Star. And Frodo, he had Gandalf and Aragorn and all the other bunch of awesome ass-kicking heroes to guide him. How difficult was that? Ok I digress.

No questions that I've achieved stuff that I set out to achieve but I feel like I'm going nowhere with this. I've been too much of a "wherever the wind blows" person. So next year, which is two weeks from now, things will change. There's a keyword here:


Saturday, December 18, 2010


Wah. Seriously what is to become of me. It's so late now and after many attempts to fall asleep EARLY, I can't. I have become an insomniac! aka as Ian's disease/sickness. And because of that, I always wake up around 3pm in the afternoon. MY WHOLE MORNING + NOON IS WASTED. Such a pity.

For this holiday I told myself that I wouldn't do anything art related. But that is so difficult to do. I'm going to KL again for Christmas. HOPE I can squeeze in some landscape sketching. Back to basics baby. Drawing drawing drawing.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

if you let a starving person choose between a bowl of rice and a painting by picasso, which would he choose?

It's been bugging me this past week. Is whatever I am studying irrelevant or is it actually 'worthwhile'? Which is more important; the freedom of the metaphysical mind or material sustenance in the physical world? And what is one without the other anyway. Such a hard decision to make.

What do I want actually?

A Harley Davidson.
the end.

If you let a starving person choose between a bowl of rice and a painting by Picasso, which would he choose?

Saturday, November 27, 2010



Finished snapping this guy up a few days ago. Didn't take me too long. Well actually it did cause I was kept busy sanding all the nubs. No painting nor any coating yet. Just one of the small things to entertain me during my holidays. I can't wait for sem2 to start. Haha yes, I know all of you might think otherwise but for me, I cannot wait to graduate. I've been stuck too long at this phase.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I think I might have too many hobbies. And side projects. There are some hobbies that are not yet definite and there are some long forgotten. Too many for my own good and frankly just not enough upkeep.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I've been stuck at home since Monday trying to finish my essay on Nietzsche, Freud and Adorno and so far so good. Of course there are the occasional lapses/breaks in between which I attribute to the apparent dryness of the entire experience. I just want to get this over and done with. Then I can go back to work on my printmaking projects and my drawings. Oh shit! Forgot about them drawings! I don't really know whether I should go ahead and build that lightbox for the A0 drawing. I kind of have an idea that involves the thick frame you can easily get at Ikea but currently I am broke and I somehow 'promised' my brother that we'll both share money to get new second-hand cymbals.

But all's not so bad. Just celebrated my birthday last weekend at Seoul Garden (mum's treat). I was really cool that most of you guys could make it. A bit sad Sam couldn't make it. He's all the way down under shooting live rounds! No la he doesn't actually. But he's involved in Wallaby nonetheless.

beam saber?!

Just take a look at this lucky guy. He has a PERFECT GRADE ZAKU II CHAR AZNABLE'S CUSTOMIZE for his birthday! Never in his dreams could he see himself actually owning a Perfect Grade Gundam kit. Mobile suits! More mobile suits! And for those of you who are in the dark, here's what all that is.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


tough times don't last, tough people do - robert schuller

There's a lot of work that needs doing and I'd better get started but all work and no play makes me angry and frustrated. Not to say that I dislike my work. I love my work but it's the deadlines and the unnecessary other stuff that bothers me, lingering at the back of my head. The unfinished.

And so I have to stick it. Don't complain. If you think about it, it's not that difficult it just takes time and effort and a lot of patience. You're always going on about proving yourself. Now's the time. Don't get distracted. Make the effort, take the jump.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

another reminder

im trying to do "the relationship between man and his religion as a whole (main theme), with religion treated as another interpretation amongst the multiplicity of interpretations in the human mind (sub-theme) as philosophised by Nietzsche, who writes that the human mind contains a multiplicity of different 'interpretations' that fight with each other for dominancy"

don't forget son.

Thursday, September 09, 2010


I've been so busy doing prints everyday. Well technically not everyday but ALMOST everyday. And just like that the first week of tutorial is coming to an end. I know some of my batch are happily enjoying their two week break but for us printmakers, the workload never decreases - more images, more editions, larger editions. But I guess that's the way it is. Good thing is that it's not horrible mindless grey things we have to endure. It's lots of fun exploring new techniques and different ways of using the same medium. And it's always more enjoyable when you have friends around you, more or less in the same sinking boat lol.

I think it's about 5 days already. I'm starting to feel very sullen but I'll be ok.

Come back soon please.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

on another unrelated note

I don't know, what do you think?

jianwei is really obsessed with Gundams

I've been taking the bus (502) to school lately and it sure is much more enjoyable than taking the train. It's cooler (air-con) and less crowded than the trains albeit a bit pricier. Plus after a short while of standing you get to sit (maybe that's because it's an express bus) but I don't mind standing either. And I enjoy looking at the cars on the road..like a little boy.

Finally my weekends have meaning as we roll into another season of the Barclay's Premier League! Kind of a good reason for me to get home early and NOT stay outside, unless of course I'm watching soccer outside but that's unlikely. It's nice to be in a family where both your mum and dad are soccer fans. And we're all at loggerheads sometimes, rooting different teams. But no bad blood lol.

Also, I've made Saturday afternoons my official comic book day! Because the best books are comic books. I don't really enjoy the superhero-ish ones like Spidey or Superman though sometimes I read Wolverine and Batman but that's about it. It's a lot easier to read one-off books rather than a series because the libraries here have quite a shitty collection. Comic books aren't just for kids, more than often they have a lot of social and political connotations. Of course mixed in with a lot of fancy imaginative storytelling. So there.

Friday, August 20, 2010

gentle reminder

Fine art or the fine arts describes an art form developed primarily for aesthetics and/or concept, rather than practical application. -wikipedia

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Can't seem to get my thoughts straight. I don't know what I want and I don't know what is profoundly meaningful to me. What does that make me? Hollow? Empty? Or perhaps undiscovered, shrouded in mist?

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


A certain someone long long ago said that the body is a locus (focal point) for a multitude of different interpretations (or forces) that continually strive to outbest each other. Forces that are affected by other forces/interpretations from everywhere beyond the body. Certain interpretations offer a mutiplicity of other interpretations but only one interpretation allows only itself. And that interpretation is religion.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Wah wah wee wah. It's 1am Friday morning and I'm still up looking for images for printmaking tomorrow. Wah what a killer, 15 monoprints straightaway just like that. I is so tired. Never have I replied "..nah I got some other stuff to do" first week of school.

Hah! Just as I was complaining about the first week of school, this segment on KBS world is about working mothers who have to work extra hard raising children in Korea. Nowsadays the cost of raising kids is high. So why should I complain right?

Sometimes life has it's ways to shut you up and keep you going.

I bought a lot of art stuffs and still buying. Still saving for that laptop though don't know which brand/model. I'm in a dilemma because though Mac is good and all but it's not game-friendly. I'm actually considering Alienware.

Ah well. Save first then talk later.

rock on

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010


The greedy fish is OK already, no longer does it emo on the bottom of the tank. It's very active now even at night when it's supposed to be sleeping. Does it even sleep at all? Stupid greedy fish, even though it's full it's still asking for more food, making a mess of the tank. Hahaha. I sound like a certain someone. I have't found a name for it yet, so I just call it fish. Reminds me of the time I kept that lobster a few years ago. My friend's called it Lobby but to me it's just Lobster. Unfortunately, it died when the filter stopped working right after it moulted =\

So maybe this fish won't die so soon eh? But when it gets bigger I definitely need a bigger tank.


Friday, July 09, 2010


Astronotus ocellatus is a species of fish from the cichlid family known under a variety of common names including oscar, tiger oscar, velvet cichlid, or marble cichlid. In South America, where the species naturally resides, A. ocellatus are often found for sale as a food fish in the local markets. The fish can also be found in other areas including China, Australia, and the United States. Although its slow growth limits its potential for aquaculture, it is considered a popular aquarium fish.

My little oscar is so afraid right now of it's new tank. I read somewhere that oscars are known 'sulkers', meaning they get emo when in a new environment. I'll just have to wait a few days for it to adjust. I doesn't swim much now, just lying floating at the bottom most of the time.

rock on

Friday, July 02, 2010


Whoever bought Netherlands must have won big ah.

forestry lv. 1

I'm working. Haha yes hard to believe right. I'm doing game illustration and concept art for a friend of mine from school. Can't say I'm very good at it cause I'm not trained in doing concept art but it's quite fulfilling actually. The good thing about the office is that there are tons of graphic novels and cool reference books to browse through.

WAH. I went running two days ago (after having not run for two years - last official run was the Singapore Poly50). And it hurts like hell lah. I ran from Julie's place all the way to ECP. Well not all the way. I walked, about a quarter of the journey, if not half. I don't know exactly how far I ran but I know this - I am so weak. So so weak.

rock on

Monday, June 28, 2010


A change of scenery for the new academic year. Enough of the boring plain nonsense.

These few days have been spent working and watching the world cup. I'm working as an artist doing concept art at 'witching hour studios'. It's basically illustration/design work and technically I'm working for a friend of mine from school. Pretty cool eh. I get to have my own technical drawing desk with tons of reference/graphic novels to read and a pretty cute laptop (it's small but works).

The world cup this year is really unpredictable in the sense that you never know if the game's going to be entertaining or not.

rock on

Saturday, June 19, 2010

malaysia part 1


Oh yes I can has free wi-fi internet.

First day in Malaysia, KL and it's not so bad. Im staying at this budget hotel at Maluri. I'm surprised to how Malaysia is quite accessible these days. Fortunately for me I'm near the RapidKL mrt station and it makes travelling way easy (except for when i took the wrong line by accident). The food here is cheap (duh) and not so bad. Went to some japanese eating place for lunch before going to KLCC area to reccy for the homeward-bound bus. Had dinner/supper at a kopitiam near the hotel and you know what, like almost every makan place here has the world cup on. HAHA so cool lah. But I am so envious of the 3 little pigs in Manilla right now. They must be having the time of their lives WITH people they know and trust and stuff. Going to Bayu's opening tomorrow at HOM.

rock on

Sunday, June 13, 2010

no woman no cry

13 June 2010 marks the 19th month together.

But you can't be here and I can't be there.

Just so sad.


Monday, May 31, 2010

centurion hadouken

disregard the person in the background

Sometimes I feel I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by people at home. Every single one of us is so different from the other, all having different influences and different main interests as well. I wonder, where we will be in the future. I used to be taller then every single one of them and look what happened. They're at least half a head taller now and still growing, especially the last one. But I'm still the eldest though, nothing's going to change that.

At least late nights are never lonely.

rock on

Thursday, May 13, 2010



Like finally, assessment is over! (friday isn't counted silly it's only submission) Now is the time for movies, games, gym and more soccer. Not to mention more hang-time with the counterpart. Half of my gang is overseas, still stuck with their NS shindig. To Sam and Hafiz, all the best as you await your return back. The we can watch the world cup or something.

Assessment went quite well to my surprise, though I didn't have a lot of drawings and sketches and side stuff. Setting up wasn't quite bad. Maybe that's cause we're used to it by now. I actually had fun setting up the stuff on the wall (coming from a dude who finished almost everything already early, like Jianwei) Isn't it awesome all the printmakers were gloriously put together all on the same wall? That's quite cool. It's like we're together or something. But big kudos goes to the sculpture people. Their setup really felt like an actual gallery space. Lucky them they had to do an installation.

Year 3 is approaching but there's like this thing I have to do before I get there. Some travelling thing. Still having mixed feelings towards it. It's kind of like something you CAN do but requires a lot of effort and how much do you really want it and, have you gone too far in to pull yourself out of this? I don't know. But with much of this assessment gone I can focus a lot better now.

Concept-wise, I am blank (as usual). I don't know if the comicky nonsense I've been doing is working. One thing's for sure though. I'll want to do anatomy (muscles muscles muscle drawings!), something religious-ish or intimate and stuff that'll fuck shit up. Seriously. I'm going to practise my drawing skeelz during this holidays - like shading and stuff, haven't been doing that and composition and proportion shit. Basically YEAR ONE stuff which I think is really important. Put it this way, a musician will practise the scales and stuff for 2hours each day before moving on to pieces. So as an artist, I feel like I need to do that (draw still life/figure stuff) everyday. [Freudian slip - i havent been sketching =O]

Haven't blogged like this in a long while.

rock on
pictures and stuff in the next one promise.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


"How come your name in front got D one?"

Do you really wanna know?


This is Jawi.
If you look at the first row,
3rd letter from the left (in between ra and dal),
there is a letter called dzal.
It's a dzz sound.



rock on

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Hey Jules!

Well that depends on the zombies. Over the years, zombies have evolved from being slow-moving, pathetic, falling-apart, combustible and easy to kill, to being fast, agile, smart, able to wield weapons (resident evil ones) and posses superpowers (left4dead ones).

If you're defending against the slow variety it is absolutely no problem at all. Pick a ranged weapon (rifle, machine-gun) and a melee weapon (parang, longsword, spear). Note that the melee weapons I state as examples have a certain range to them. You never know what might happen if you choose to stick with a knife. Very dangerous, very risky.

If you're defending against the 21st century zombies, good luck to you. You need a ranged weapon (preferably semi-auto) with 4 times as much ammunition you'd probably get, a mid-ranged weapon (handgun), several knives and a dagger. Arm yourself to the teeth for this one.

Of course as with both varieties, stay in groups and look out for each other. Defend your territory well. Have a rotation of patrols and shit. Heck I don't know I haven't even gone through National Service.

But I know what works.

A lightsaber!

rock on.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I feel like printmaking on a Sunday morning.

rock on

Thursday, April 15, 2010


silver rathalos (finally)

You know you haven't done much work when all you're doing is watch soccer at 3am in the morning (giving you the possibility of missing History class later on in the day, again) and you're playing Monster Hunter on the PSP till 3am every other day of the week. Dear boy what have you been doing?

As it stands:

Alternative Drawing (final)
SAS Music Portfolio and Concert Report
Landscape Drawing - Little India, Low perspective, High perspective
Landscape Drawing (final)
Printmaking (final) x 3 (x4edition)

rock on

walao arsenal. don't let it be another major disappointment. ganbatte!