Friday, May 08, 2009

napping on the train

you need big ass headphones to get into the nafa toilets

You know assessment's getting to you when you can't help but fall asleep on the train. And everyday you are this close to catching that last train. But you don't (thankfully) cause you leave school early.

The only thing done is 2D.

More effort boy. Much more effort is needed. Maybe I should get a whole carton of Redbull like Fish and tawn through the nights.

it's ok if we abstain. just not too long k. i was kidding when i said i could hold it off like forever. that's nonsense =x i love you. and i dont feel unfair at all when i send you back and come home late. cause you're worth it love. whatever effort i put into this and into you im getting it back, sometimes even 2fold. =]

rock on

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