Tuesday, January 01, 2008

death of a year

happy new year dear readers.

i always liked the thought that the new year is the death of the previous year. somewhat like a falling tree-like being ripped apart by something more energetic and full of life which is the new year. and you cant forget the cataclysmic explosion after that occurs.

and after that, POOF! you get a new year.

so heres wishing all you people out there, 3mc, band members, fellow archi people, people i know, people i dont know, family, friend's family, maplers, dota-ers, fire fighters, NS men , semen..(joking) etc.

..a happy new year.

my resolutions. lest see now. get a drumset. attend school regularly(somehow this doesnt want to remoce itself from ALL my NY resolutions). save more money. and DRAW.

cheers! rock on..

love you..

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